Social Engagements


Steinkult social engagement: sponsorship and the ‘Woman to Woman’ project



With a portion of our sales revenues, we support the project ‘Woman to Woman’, which is made up of a group of 41 women from the village of Duddekunta (Anantapur district, India). The aim of the project is to enable them to be financially independent and give them equal opportunities, and thus offer them more security.

A sum donated monthly from the Vicente Ferrer Foundation is saved for seven years in a bank account registered in the name of one of the participating women. At the end of this period, the full amount, including interest and compound interest, is paid out.

Although the women receive coaching on how to handle a sum of money of this kind and spend it wisely, once they have received it they are free to decide how they want to dispose of it and are not accountable to anyone.

In the past, some women have chosen to start a micro-enterprise; for example, by buying a piece of arable farm land or an animal for milk production, etc. Others have decided to put aside some of the money for their old age or for their children or grandchildren.

In addition, we sponsor two children, an 12-year-old girl and her six-year-old physically disabled brother, both from the small village of Kunukuntla. Their parents are agricultural workers.